A patent drawing is an image that shows how a product or process works. It can be in the form of diagrams, sketches, drafts, or illustrations. They’re important because they show how your invention works.

Patent Drawings

Patent drawings are a visual representation of a patent. A patent drawing can be used to show the invention, product or design. It is important to understand what a patent drawing is and how it works so that you can use them correctly.

  • Patents represent an idea or concept in its simplest form. For example, if you have invented a new type of chair that folds up into itself when not in use, then your patent will show this as two pieces connected by hinges at each end (see Figure 1).
  • Each part has been drawn according to its shape and size as well as any additional features such as colorings or textures applied during manufacturing process(s). This also includes text labels describing each part’s function (e.,g., “folding mechanism,” etc.).


A diagram is a visual representation of something. It can be used to show how something works or how it looks, and it’s often used in science, engineering, architecture and technology.

In the patent drawings you’ll see diagrams that show:

  • How an invention looks (for example, an exploded view) – this will help readers understand what they’re seeing and make comparisons easier if they want to create their own inventions based on the concepts taught in these drawings.


Drafts are preliminary drawings that show the basic idea of an invention, but they are not detailed enough to be used in marketing or selling the product. In fact, drafts may not even be created at all if the inventor has already been granted a patent on their invention.


A sketch is a freehand drawing in which the artist captures an idea without any preliminary planning. Sketches can be done in pencil, pen or charcoal; they are usually drawn on white paper and done at a small scale. A sketch might include some details such as perspective lines or shading but it is not intended to be finished artwork in itself.

Sketches can be used to illustrate a design concept that’s been discussed between two people who agree on its basic form and look; these are called “sketch studies.” The goal here is not so much to create an image (although sometimes these do result) but rather serve as visual reminders of what was discussed earlier when designing something else—like how this particular style works best with this typeface choice or what colors look best together when placed next to each other like this book cover does so well!


Illustrations are drawings that illustrate a device or method. In patent drawings, they are usually in black and white. They may be drawn at a different scale than the other drawings, as well as having a different style than those around them.

Patent Drawings are important

Patent drawings are an important part of the patent process. They help describe your invention and illustrate it, helping to explain its purpose in a way that words alone cannot.

Patent drawings are used by both the applicant and those reviewing their applications for various purposes:

  • As part of an application for a patent, they’re used to show how something works or why it works (or doesn’t). This can include diagrams or photos showing how components work together, or even just a picture of what you’re talking about – but don’t forget about things like size comparisons!
  • As part of getting granted a patent on an invention, they’ll be required by law during prosecution proceedings against infringers who refuse licenses after being informed about what’s going on with their product/service offering vis-à-vis its use by legal requirements under local laws where they reside currently residing presently living.


We hope that the information in this article has been helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happy to help!